In addition to all the facilities listed below, all guestrooms include: bathrobes; twice daily maid service; security chain on door with view-hole; Bose CD/alarm clock/radio; US plug-sockets; night light in the bathroom; bespoke Floris toiletries; Times newspaper daily; and a large bottle of still mineral water.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in the elegant Stafford Restaurant, in a classic English style with seasonal dishes and an ever-changing menu. This classic restaurant boasts an unsurpassed wine collection, and you can even dine in the 350 year old wine cellars. For more informal dining try The American Bar, where classic burgers, fish and chips and salads can be served outside in the summer. This is a classic London cocktail bar in a unique courtyard setting adorned with memorabilia donated by our guests over the last 40 years. The Lounge serves teas and coffees throughout the day and is the perfect spot for afternoon tea. The hotel also has an extensive room service menu available 24 hours per day.
This is a very elegant and grand historical building.
The lobby of the hotel is an amazingly decorated area, which retain tradition and elegance in a contemporary atmosphere. The world famous american bar offers the very best of cocktails.
With a cul-de-sac and courtyard setting, The Stafford is arguably one of the quietest hotels in Central London.